I honestly realy dont mind lack of info but the loading time is horrendus if you want to browse current sales or just check the game info . And while my internet is not that great there is a day and night diffrence between steam and Psstore.
I honestly realy dont mind lack of info but the loading time is horrendus if you want to browse current sales or just check the game info . And while my internet is not that great there is a day and night diffrence between steam and Psstore.
Honestly they still act shitty. Its just that their competition is ahead of them right now in this particual aspect to the point where you might think they behave fairly decently.
It would be really great for oems to be able to use steamos. It really is a superior system for handhelds ( and pcs treated like consoles but thats even more niche market )
Also the scale. With steam scale its likely that they could just buy a massive numbers of gpus and cpus from amd for much cheaper.
I mean with the fantastic touchpads that steam deck has and the steam machine controller would have it should be possible and quite easy to do.
I dont know abut ram but its very unlikely that CPU will be a bottelneck in most games . Its not a high end pc targeting 120 frames per second where cpu matters more. There of course will be exceptions ( space marine 2 apparently might have lower framerates on ps5 due to cpu so its unlikely that ps5 pro will fix this but who knows ).