I’m the administrator of kbin.life, a general purpose/tech orientated kbin instance.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023

  • I think people’s experience with PLE will always be subjective. In the old flat we were in, where I needed it. It would drop connection all the time, it was unusable.

    But I’ve had them run totally fine in other places. Noisy power supplies that aren’t even in your place can cause problems. Any kind of impulse noise (bad contacts on an old style thermostat for example) and all kinds of other things can and will interfere with it.

    Wifi is always a compromise too. But, I guess if wiring direct is not an option, the OP needs to choose their compromise.

  • Well I run an ntp stratum 1 server handling 2800 requests a second on average (3.6mbit/s total average traffic), and a flight radar24 reporting station, plus some other rarely used services.

    The fan only comes on during boot, I’ve never heard it used in normal operation. Load averages 0.3-0.5. Most of that is Fr24. Chrony takes <5% of a single core usually.

    It’s pretty capable.

  • Well, I run forgejo for my own stuff. So, let’s say I decided to host something that is subject to a copyright complaint. As soon as people start using your repo and their lawyers get a whiff of it, they’ll just take the IP of your server and DMCA the owner of the IP. Whether it be me, or the host. It’s an entity they can go after and will need to yield to appropriate law. The effect would be the same as the DMCA going to Github.

    But on tor, it hides the entity operating and running the server. Making it a lot harder to find the person to even send the DMCA to, let alone start the legal wheels turning, if it were ignored.

  • But isn’t that the point? You pay a low fee for inconvenient access to storage in the hope you never need it. If you have a drive failure you’d likely want to restore it all. In which case the bulk restore isn’t terrible in pricing and the other option is, losing your data.

    I guess the question of whether this is a service for you is how often you expect a NAS (that likely has redundancy) to fail, be stolen, destroyed etc. I would expect it to be less often than once every 5 years. If the price to store 12TB for 5 years and then restore 12TB after 5 years is less than the storage on other providers, then that’s a win, right? The bigger thing to consider is whether you’re happy to wait for the data to become available. But for a backup of data you want back and can wait for it’s probably still good value. Using the 12TB example.

    Backblaze, simple cost. $6x12 = $72/month which over a 5-year period would be $4320. Depending on whether upload was fast enough to incur some fees on the number of operations during backup and restore might push that up a bit. But not by any noticeable amount, I think.

    For amazon glacier I priced up (I think correctly, their pricing is overly complicated) two modes. Flexible access and deep archive. The latter is probably suitable for a NAS backup. Although of course you can only really add to it, and not easily remove/adjust files. So over time, your total stored would likely exceed the amount you actually want to keep. Some complex “diff” techniques could probably be utilised here to minimise this waste.

    Deep archive
    12288 put requests @ $0.05 = $614.40
    Storage 12288GB per month = $12.17 x 60 = $729.91
    12288 get requests @ $0.0004 = $4.92
    12288GB retrieval @ $0.0025 / GB x 12288 = $30.72 (if bulk possible)
    12288GB retrieval @ $0.02 / GB x 12288 = $245.76 (if bulk not possible)

    Total: $1379.95 / $1594.99

    12288 put requests @ $0.03 = $368.64
    Storage 12288GB per month = $44.24 x 60 = $2654.21
    12288 get requests @ $0.0004 = $4.92
    12288GB retrieval @ $0.01 / GB x 12288 = $122.88

    Total: $3150.65

    In my mind, if you just want to push large files you’re storing on a high capacity NAS somewhere they can be restored on some rainy day sometime in the future, deep archive can work for you. I do wonder though, if they’re storing this stuff offline on tape or something similar, how they bring back all your data at once. But, that seems to me to be their problem and not the user’s.

    Do let me know if I got any of the above wrong. This is just based on the tables on the S3 pricing site.

  • Yep. The ISP doesn’t offer it any more. They stopped, I think when RIPE officially “ran out” of new net blocks. But I’ve moved address twice so far and have kept the allocation. Well, on the last move they messed up and gave new a new single IP. I complained, and they asked why it matters so much to have my old IP. I pointed out I had a netblock, and they fixed it up pretty quickly.

    Pretty soon, full fibre will be in my area and available on the same ISP. So, hoping for a smooth transition to keep it for a bit longer.

  • So there’s three problems you are very likely to encounter.

    1. Most providers now almost certainly filter their egress for netblocks under their control to prevent ip spoofing. So it’s likely the packets would never make it out at all.

    2: if it does work the return path would be over the normal Internet route and not via the vpn. Only the sent packets would go via the vpn host.

    3: if the client is behind nat the router will not recognise the response packets as belonging to an open connection and will drop them.

    I’m really not sure what your intention is.

  • Well, more specifically it is protecting against a specific form of data loss, which is hardware failure. A good practice if you’re able is to have RAID and an offsite/cloud backup solution.

    But if you don’t, don’t feel terrible. When the OVH datacentre had a fire, I lost my server there. But so did a lot of businesses. You’d be amazed at how many had no backup and were demanding that OVH somehow pry their smouldering drives from what remained of the datacentre wing and salvage all the data.

    If you care about your data, you want a backup that is off-site. Cloud backup is quite inexpensive these days.