This answers my question. I wasn’t sure if the server would have to download the whole file from the NAS prior to serving it.
I run my Nextcloud on Debian, ran Debian based distros for a few years, and I’ve done nfs on my synology with my laptop. I might be able to do it!
Wish me luck, and thanks for responding.
I’m ashamed to admit I totally forgot about ddwrt/openwrt. It’s been a decade or so since I messed with that. Good call.
Nextcloud was somewhat difficult for me the first time I installed it, though I did have a usable system in the end. Then I discovered Nextcloud AIO and haven’t had an issue since.
I’m no expert. I want to include that disclaimer up front.
Nextcloud with block storage on btrfs with snapshots seems like it could work for you. No idea about VFS though. I’ll leave that question for someone more knowledgeable. The “drive” portion of Nextcloud is quite decent. I regularly use it to pass large files between my phone (Android), laptop (Linux) and gaming desktop (Windows).
This appears to be what I’ve been looking for. I can’t wait to try it. Thanks for sharing.
You mean after the price hike they also hiked the number of ads? I canceled when they hiked the price and managed to get it down to the old price a few months later, so I renewed for the personal heatmap. Looks like I’m definitely canceling again. I doubt they’ll give me the price break twice anyway.
Baking ads into a timeline like Strava and some other apps do has to be the worst app trend ever.
I’ve never been able to fully transition away from the proprietary TickTick tasks. Nothing seems to have the features I’m accustomed too. Then again, I’m on a dysfunctional task non-management spree right now, so maybe when I get my shit together I’ll try again. For context, I use a modified version of the GTD strategy to keep track of my todos.
Before TickTick I used Astrid. When Astrid tasks was bought and killed by Yahoo, I thought they were over, although it seems there is a fork (GPL 3.0) that also syncs with I haven’t done thorough testing yet to see what kind of issues I would have using this new Astrid and Nextcloud, but this is the best open solution I’ve been able to come up with and its been on my project shelf for over a year waiting to be tested.
For calendar, nextcloud synced with Thunderbird and a proprietary phone app (I know… I know) seems to work well for me. My partner uses icloud and it generally interoperates fine. I even have a raspberry pi in the living room that pulls in everyone’s calendar and overlays them as a “family calendar”
I chose Nextcloud as my first project because I had an interest in the project for a while. I did an old fashioned install which I later rebuilt with docker. I learned a lot doing it manually twice first. I echo the others. Find a project you like, preferably with its own community so you can ask for help when you inevitably mess something up.
That was fascinating. Thank you for sharing. I’m still early on my self-hosting journey, but a year or two ago I would have understood next to nothing of that. :D
I won’t update without first creating an image of the server to roll back to. Like others on here, the web updater almost always fails and goes into maintenance mode and I have to ssh in to fix it.
Having said that, functionally, I have no issues. Only when upgrading does the whole thing shit the bed.
That was a perfect one sentence summary of the article!
Its amazing some of the things people come up with like gathering intel on what a computer is doing via power draw changes, monitoring an air-gapped computers electromagnetic fields, or in this case “cryogenically” freezing ram with compressed air.
Sharing this article as I think it ties in with this conversation well:
I do want to say that for most people, this is likely NOT a concern, but I don’t know OPs threat model.
Its crazy to think of a subscription for something like community sourced tabs. They’re often literal text files. You could host thousands of them off a thumbdrive. :)
The fact that I regularly recognize my fellow Lemmings by username makes it feel small, but its not too hard to find a community full of strangers either.
Great graphic and thank you for sharing.
Now let’s filter out bots, low quality trolls, NPCs, and content that isn’t easily searchable. It’s definitely an interesting diagram, and, though it is fascinating, I think its a 1 dimensional view of the social space.
I prefer to engage around ideas and topics, rather than specific users or content producers, so having a good search and topic based boards or groups immediately puts a site miles ahead for me. Reddit and Lemmy excel at this, but some of the others leave a lot to be desired. As someone who used FB to organize and manage a topic based social group in real life, with a Facebook group of 1000+ participants, FB has some good groups, but the interface is absolute rubbish and I would migrate to just about anything else if I could get people to move.
I guess my point is that we lump these together as “social media”, but that’s a broad category that holds some very distinct subcategories that excel at very different things.
The mercado had more bootleg DVDs than the entire Netflix library and the watermarks on the busses TVs taught me a few sites I never knew before. :D
At this point its pretty much a moral transgression to buy music from any labels, organizations, or groups filing these lawsuits. If no one bought their music, they’d have to join a mock trial team or debate club and we might finally be able to straighten out the mess that is copyright law. :-D
Sounds like a monopolistic scam. Fuck those guys. Good on you for still getting a good exam score though!
I had an awesome professor once who intentionally assigned the old editions of every book needed for the class to save us all a few bucks. If I recall correctly, she called the publisher out on shifting chapters for the whole class to hear.
Another prof photocopied chapters of his own book to save us from the inflated price gouging of academia. He cared more about spreading his message than making money.
Two other profs only assigned historical public domain editions of philosophical texts to keep our costs down, or eliminate them entirely.
Props to all these great profs. I’ll never forget the things they taught me, and one even became a thesis advisor of mine years later.
Thank you for the incredibly detailed and patient reply. I will try some additional applications like Jellyfin and Immich instead of the built in synology stuff. It was always my intention to have docker images running on a separate server but stress went up and free time went down and I settled for using the built in applications. Luckily, I havent significantly invested in video center as I just used it to preview files while sorting in DSM.
I had some issues with copying files over SMB. I can write fine, I can delete, but copying seems to fail. My guess is because the local user on my laptop is different than the user on the SMB share. In any case, I was using the file explorer in DSM in Firefox to sort through old media by hand. I’ll have to use NFS and continue to sort via Dolphin.
I’m glad to hear the situation isn’t as dire as I had initially imagined. Perhaps I’m a bit shell shocked from all the enshittification that I jumped to worst case scenarios.