• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 24th, 2023


  • I have never seen contributors get anything for open source contributions.

    In larger, more established projects, they explicitly make you sign an agreement that your contributions are theirs for free (in the form of a github bot that tells you this when you open a PR). Sometimes you get as much as being mentioned in a readme or changelog, but that’s pretty much it.

    I’m sure there may be some examples of the opposite, I just… Wouldn’t hold my breath for it in general.

  • Haven’t had any experience with eweka, but this is the reason why people tend to have multiple providers from different backbones and multiple indexers - to increase your chance for completion. Weirdly, eweka does not follow DMCA, but NTD which I’ve seen regarded as slower to take down content, so in theory the experience should be better, especially on fresh content.

    Your mileage will vary greatly depending on what indexers/providers you pick and unfortunately it’s very difficult to say whether it will reach your expectations until you try different options.

    If you’re willing to spend some more on it, you could try just looking for a small and cheap block account from a different backbone to see if it helps with the missing articles, but there are no guarantees.

  • Very difficult to predict the future, but my bet would be on no (to the in 20years question).

    I doubt the hardware would last 20 years and eventually it’ll become hard to source parts as the popularity falls off, even if you could repair it yourself. I’m sure anything with an online dependency will not work either, but offline games have a chance.

    But the real question is would you want to use the switch in 20 years (or honestly, even today)? There is already a better alternative (steam deck) with a much more open platform with way more capabilities and I believe it can already emulate Nintendo games (although no first hand experience with that)

    I have a switch myself and would never recommend it to anyone personally.

  • Your isp can most likely tell which VPN you’re using (unless you also use tor, and even then there’s the theories that a lot of it is ran by law enforcement… depends on how paranoid you are), they will still see the quantity of traffic coming from your home to the VPN and vice versa. All they need to do is to check the IP and they’ll likely find it’s in use by … VPN service.

    As long as using a VPN is not illegal in your country you can pay for it however you want really (in some places paying with crypto may make it more suspicious than if you just paid for it through PayPal), if law enforcement really wanted to find out the VPN service you use they probably could, the payment would only make it a tiny bit easier.

    The key point as mentioned multiple times is to use one you trust, there’s no objectively best one, but you’ll find a lot of objectively bad ones (for privacy) if you research them. As a start just never use any which are sponsoring YouTube videos or blog articles, pretty much all of those are crap.

  • VPNs usually route your DNS through them as well, sometimes to other DNS servers but sometimes they just send them to your original DNS server but through the VPN, kinda up to your VPN config - all of the vpn services I’ve used to date did this, although they were all reputable ones. I’d not recommend to use a questionable VPN though.

    Dnssec only verifies authenticity of the server and the integrity of the data, so it helps to prevent man-in-the-middle of DNS, it doesn’t provide privacy. Look into DNS over Https (DoH) instead. It provides e2e encryption for your DNS traffic which achieves what dnssec does, but also gives you privacy. DNS over TLS (DoT) also does this, but it runs on a different port so it’s easier to block (e.g. if your isp decided they don’t like private DNS), while with DoH your DNS traffic looks the same as other web traffic - and afaik it can’t be blocked. As above, it’s likely this is not needed for use with a VPN, but I’d recommend looking into in general for use even when not on the VPN. Things like controld or nextdns can give you even more peace of mind (although read up on their policies for yourself)

  • I use unraid (currently without parity since it’s all just stuff I’ve been okay to lose) with drives I’ve collected over the years: 2x3TB WD red (one of which is almost 10y old, the other ~7 since it had died once in warranty and got replaced), 1x 12 TB WD red (which is ~3y old).

    I was going to add something between another 16-20TB drive depending on the price/TB whenever the next expansion comes up. I’ve mentioned it in another comment, but I’ve never used not-new drives and have been fairly shy about them, hence the larger price tag for expansion than expected.

    Even if I cut down on my usenet providers/indexers since I’ve shot a bit overboard with coverage, the cost of realdebrid/alldebrid is still very similar to just the cost of those/year, entirely excluding the cost of disks - hence my interest in feasibility.

  • It’s a bit nitpicky to be fair but:

    • chapter API (skip intro/credits), I know it’s in the works and there is a plugin but I’ve found it work much better in Plex (actually emby has this and it’s alright)
    • the android apps, particularly on TV. I find the jellyfin one somewhat meh for UX. Not huge gripes but just things like how in a list you have to press a button at the top of the screen to display the alphabet shortcut (i.e. jump to all moves starting with a letter). On a TV this is pretty awkward IMO. I know there a bunch of different screens around this, e.g. the one you get with smart screen to go “by letter”, or setting the list direction to horizontal allows getting to the button on top easier but it feels clunky to me, so many screens which could be replaced with 1 better designed one.

    I do think eventually I’ll end up on jellyfin, probably once the chapter API arrives and skipping credits and intro has first party support tho.

  • I think I understood what you were suggesting: try disabling the script tags one by one on a website until either we tried them all or we got through the paywall.

    My point is that it’s very unlikely to be feasible on most modern websites.

    I mention files because very few bits of functionality tend to be inline scripts these days, 90-95% of JavaScript will be loaded from separate .js files the script tags reference.

    In modern webapps the JavaScript usually goes through some sort of build system, like webpack, which does a number of things but the important one for this case is that it re-structures how the code is distributed into .js files which are referenced from script tags in the html. This makes it very difficult to explicitly target a specific bit of functionality to be disabled, since the code for paywall is likely loaded from the same file as a hundred other bits of code which make other features work - hence my point that the sites would actively have to go out of their way to make their build process separate their paywall code from other bits of functionality in their codebase, which is probably not something they would do.

    On top of this, the same build system may output differently named files after the build since they’re often named after some hashing of the content, so if any code changes in any of the sources the output file name changes as well in an unpredictable way. This would likely be a much smaller issue since I can’t imagine them actively working on all parts of their codebase all the time.

    Lastly, if the way a website works is that it loads the content and then some JavaScript hides it behind a paywall then it’s much simpler to either hide the elements in front of it or make the content visible again just by using CSS and HTML - i.e. the way adblockers remove the entire ad element from the pages.