• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 28th, 2023


  • If you need to use software professionally or in a commercial product, then go commercial.

    I have been trying to switch to using more open source lately. And I couldn’t notice how more than 90% of projects I Land on are abandonware . and the rest are so slowly moving you shouldn’t rely on the for anything where security matters.

    Stick with Foss projects that have a non profit behind then or a strong community of devs behind them. With a leat dozens of commits a month.

  • Is there any coordination with The other fediverse projects (mainly mastodon) and mastodon client developpers to enhance the interoperability with each other.

    for instance being able to flawlessly post to lemmy and get notified about replies to your mastodon instance in a more convenient and user friendly way. where mastodon and its clients recognizes that a reply is comming from a lemmy server and displays it in a threaded way.

    • to stops showing every comment on posts made to community I follow as a separate post. it fills up the timeline. I know it’s something to work on from the mastodon side. but maybe there are things lemmy can help improve.

  • I hear what you are saying.

    but did you ever consider how github could be a stop gate to many many tech illeterate people, who don’t know how to post an issue or report a bug using github, having to sign-up to website they might never use again, figure up how to fill-in the ever so eleborate issue forms, and have to activate 2FA everytime they want to comment on the issue weeks after it has been posted. that’s why you see many project subreddits are full with bug reports and help requests. its easiers for the commons.

    Git technology is def a godsend for developpers but could also be a barrier to less techy people how don’t know how to report, or if it is a problem in the software or something they are doing wrong. that’s why I think we need to be more welcoming and less standoffish to people with less know how.

    Maybe having a simple form on the project website that can mirror the bug reports to github is oneway to provide people with an easier solution to give feedback that they might not give otherwise.