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  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • Hello, Audio Engineer with some little knowledge regarding AI here.

    What you think of is restoring frequencies, this is possible, and commonly used in plugins for audio restaurization. I might be mistaken, but this does not improve the bitrate, but the perceived quality (which is still lossy).

    I don’t think that there is a real interest to upscale quality (not perceived quality), especially for longer (> 1 minute) material.

  • Why did you measure inside the cabinet? Don’t you want to dampen the perceived noise outside of the cabinet?

    Physically speaking, 3 cm will absorb all frequencies above 12000 Hz, and dampen everything beneath at least a bit, ignoring the absorption capatbilities of the material. I’m no expert in the field of material sciences, I just know by word and experience (insert “trust me bro” here) that its absortion capabilities are really good.

    It will lessen the perceived sound by a measure, but do not believe, that all sound will be gone. But a 3 cm-thick paddening all around will to a good job.

    Think twice about glueing. Glue is nasty to remove, maybe just push cut-to-size pieces inside of the ducts to make them fit? You could make ones, which you make snug around the cables leaving the cabinet?