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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • In terms of electricity consumption, it’s still not going to be huge, just was noted in case you wanted to go smaller. You can almost certainly go smaller, but at the same time if you already have the hardware it’s not going to be useful to sell it second hand and buy new hardware that has less performance.

    Hosting static websites at home is fine if you really want to, but for anything dynamic and/or that will have a lot of users, get a vps (basically a server that you pay for storage and compute resources on and can use remotely how you like, including hosting stuff like mastodon and lemmy instances)

  • Usenet is usually a lot faster, for most things you can basically max out your bandwidth (or whatever the max you set your download client to) instead of it being determined by the number and quality of seeders. Newer releases torrents also download very fast, but after a few months or years the seeders drop off a lot, usenet is always the same speed even if it’s super old and most keep stuff indefinitely or for 10-20 years or so (longer if it’s being grabbed a lot still)

    Also one nzb site is usually enough, you don’t need to check a bunch of different torrent sites since it’s basically one massive one. I use prowlarr so I have it check nzbgeek for everything first and a bunch of torrent sites as backups in case it isn’t there, but almost everything gets grabbed from usenet

  • I’m happy to help if anyone needs help with docker and/or Linux stuff. (I’ll probably try to convert you to Linux, the os to rule them all. You’ve been warned) Wont necessarily be everything or set it all up for you, but enough knowledge to get you started and able to learn more yourself is doable

    For op, that setup is likely overkill, most stuff will use more ram than cpu and very few self hosted apps will use the GPU at all (Plex and jellyfin are the only ones that come to mind). Only hurt to it being overkill is a higher power usage than a smaller setup, but if you already have it running full time then it’s unlikely to make a different

  • For books and music, I pirate them and if I genuinely like it and would buy it myself then I donate the cost directly to the artist (unless they’re an artists with a stupid amount of money). For music it’s kind of depends on how much I like their music, but usually I’ll donate the cost of an album or something (I don’t donate if they already have stupid amounts of money though). For books, I’ll usually donate the cost of a paperback (5$-$10) if I liked it, or a hardcover ($25-$30)

    It comes with multiple benefits: I don’t pay for something I don’t like, the entire cost actually goes to the people I want to support instead of 40% or whatever going to whoever prints the books or releases the music, and I no longer have to pay subscriptions to support platforms that take advantage of small artists and pocket a significant amount of what I pay for the subscription (looking at you Amazon and Spotify)