• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • I dragged my feet for over 2 years after building my homelab and not putting proxmox. I highly recommend you start out with proxmox right away. It has its quirks and learning curve, but it’s been a breeze after “getting it”.

    At first I didn’t want the files inside LXC filesystems because I was used to manually poking at folders and such. But the periodic backup and restoration that gives you its the best, bar none.

    I rebuilt my setup after a faulty data cable destroyed my btrfs raid0 filesystem (I know, I knew it was dumb, but I had 8tb at my disposal and I wanted to use it dangit!). Long story short, my borg-based Nextcloud AIO backups were borked and took like 3 days of research and external drive juggling to get some of the stuff out of them. With proxmox it’s a single click to get the whole thing back up and running.

    Also you can use helper scripts as a sort of appstore, including turnkey appliances

  • the problem with FW’s docs is that they are too opinionated, they expect a strict user and directory structure that should not be required for docker deployments. I modified the example docker-compose to use volumes instead of binding to host locations (except for the music:ro folder) and it didn’t like it at all. I get that they prefer using ansible playbooks over docker, but even when starting from a fresh debian 12 install it’d fail, even though I followed that guide to the tee.

    As someone else said on the thread, it’s weird but there’s no much choice for multi-library music-centric servers. Guess I’ll have to wrangle Jellyfin into submission to tag my music properly.

  • tried jellyfin even before Navidrome: the problem with Jellyfin is that as good as it is tagging and managing movies and tv shows, it’s atrocious at music management. Even though I painstakingly tagged and sorted my music using MusicBrainz Picard, there are tons of albums misplaced, or entire artists catalogs set as a single album. Same music collection on Navidrome worked OOTB and was perfectly sorted.

  • Tasks.org and logseq here, ended up being the simplest way after bouncing off grocy and other overly detailed systems.

    Tip: before going through with hosting NextCloud, you could get /e/ accounts, they don’t give much space but since it’s just rebranded NextCloud, you can try it out and see if it works for you.

    Currently we use several tasks boards so chores are separate by type (shopping list, maintenance, bills, chores) and logseq’s journal on the app makes it flexible to take notes or whatever you need (audio notes, pics, links, etc)

  • While I was researching I found out about Squeezebox, as there are people using it in combination with HomeAssistant. Both solutions you and @cfi provided seem pretty doable, and I’ve already been tinkering with Mopidy on armbian. Snapcast is something I’ve never heard of, and I’m definetly going to tinker around it, I’d love to be able to sync several speakers around the house, specially for parties and gatherings.

    That being said I think they are a bit overkill for the usecase, and I’m looking for something even simpler, maybe repurposing the guts of a cheap BT speaker I have lying around, see if I can find somewhere on the PCB where I can tap line level audio output and solder it directly inside the amp/sub box, along with a small power supply to run without batteries. (I know there are ready-made BT modules for this, but where’s the fun in that!)