No one compares You stand alone To every record I own Music to my heart That’s what you are A song that goes on and on

  • 1 Post
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 28th, 2023


  • Hey its unfortunate you are being downvoted since this is about a active problem and all you’re doing is bringing attention to it.

    It’s not that the OS doesn’t support such tools, (anyone can choose to run a 3rd party kernel module) its the devs of the anticheat software that refuse to do the work needed to make it a reality.

    The other problem is that such software is unlikely to work correctly out of the box across the plethora of available operating systems and configurations. Just targeting the steam deck would be received rather negatively and probably illicit chilling effects across the community.

    You could theoretically, do what NVIDIA has done for their driver and opensource just the parts needed to make it work for your OS. However, that could potentially be used as a means to circumvent the purpose of the tool.

    All anti-cheat software is a cat and mouse game and any determined group will eventually circumvent any client side means which speaks to architectural problems with the game. Which could potentially be insurmountable without considerable investment in server sided solutions.

    However, the creation of client sided kernel modules would at least bring it close to par with the Windows experience.

  • That must be a very unfortunate situation where you don’t have control of your network for that to be a concern though. in which case I wouldn’t expect it to be suitable for a internet facing homelab?

    Like I’m struggling to think of scenarios for this.

    I suppose you could be trying to setup a homelab on a college network or using someone else’s internet connection where you have no input on the matter.

    Perhaps, I could see a case for CGNAT like another user mentioned, where the whole town shares an single IP for example. But I’d imagine such a network would offer poor performance.

    But in all those scenarios, a VPS is cheaper and you can do everything this service offers and more.