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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 9th, 2024


  • Exactly, yeah like I’m not trying to remove myself entirely from “society” - the physical law of entropy means that people need to put in EFFORT to make things happen, and that deserves to be recognized, plus the dev should have a proper means of support to be able to buy food, shelter, etc.

    I even tip at restaurants wherever I go. I don’t know if I’ll be okay in the future - I don’t own a home or know my retirement plans, but I don’t think a few dollars will make the difference, but it can boost someone else’s day and that’s really something:-).

    I really like Netflix’s player, their CC options, and the quality of their streaming service. It’s just too bad about the content going all over the place, and THAT part is actually not their fault.

    Though I just could not do that for Google Music, when they pay the original artists so extremely little:-(.

  • They are a company - their obligations to their customers begin and end with extraction of funds to disburse to their shareholders:-(.

    Back in the early days when they were trying to ingratiate themselves to the public, they put on a good face - “don’t be evil” and all, but the mask is off now. Even now, they still really truly are more ethical (or at least might be, maybe?) than some others, e.g. https://lemmy.world/post/11951288? (but that is not saying very much at all, to compare an evil corporation like Google to a full-on fairly criminal-like corporation that steals artists & other people’s content against their will; and I only say “criminal-like” b/c the aging geriatrics in various governments around the world barely use computers much less understand its terminology such as “mobile device”, so the existing legal structures remain mired half a century behind what is going on in today’s actual world).

    Also, I am weird - I will do things like pay for Netflix even though I haven’t watched it in months, preferring the high seas that has more content that is no longer there:-P, b/c I want to support continued development of new content (though TV & movies are becoming a dated art form nowadays). That said, YouTube is a VERY different situation, b/c while they do have server costs and what-not, they also are one of the lowest (not THE lowest, but among them… iirc?) contributors back to the artists who actually make the stuff. So a better way would be to find artists that you like, and send them money directly where they would get 100% of the revenue.

    Anyway, I like your post that shows that there is more than one reason to support such apps - not just b/c of the content but also more than that too.

  • Bold of you to think that they even think of us at all.

    I actually mean that seriously: we continue seeing, over and over, that no, quite often they do NOT expect people to NOT do that, they quite simply DGAF. They pirate us, we pirate them, it becomes just another “cost of doing business”, until they are strong enough to eventually crack down further. See ad blocking & Chrome recently, after multiple decades of internet ads pushing the limits.

    It’s like a zombie nom noming your brains - after like 2 bites it’ll get bored and wander off, and it literally doesn’t even need to “eat”, it simply is so fucking DUMB that it doesn’t know what else to do with itself. It is truly horrifying b/c while your entrails may be strewn about on the floor, or in the throats of tens of zombies, they in turn… don’t even have the decency to be aware that you’ve died!?

    Lower-level managers sell ideas to higher-level managers, and “logic” has little to do with those conversations, compared to the amount of emo-stroking that goes on “oh, you will become so rich, and powerful, and handsome, and brave, and precious” (from here:-P) - and so long as enough people play along, that happens!

    Our world is just so fucking STUPID.

    That said, what they do is on them, while what we do is on us. Find a way to live - hopefully by finding a way to contribute, if/where you can.

  • Tbh I haven’t watched Netflix in a couple months - there are too many interesting things to watch that are not there! - but I do like knowing that some (probably tiny proportion but still more than zero?) of my funds goes to the original content creators, plus CC is built right in and it’s actually a solid streaming delivery, when you do find something worthwhile - as opposed to e.g. 123 streaming that can be extremely hit-or-miss (plus shows yanked entirely without notice). The point about the early days of YouTube is well taken, though as you implied that has not held up over time.

    To be clear I am not advocating for anyone else to do so, just saying that I do (sometimes), although I am open to cmv too. It bothers me that anytime something actually gets popular Netflix drops it, though it’s nice that I don’t have to maintain a huge library of files and spend time on curation, so there is definitely both benefits as well as detractions.