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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • Commercial software: complete goals x, y, and z and get paid.

    FOSS: Project of passion.

    Short and black and white version: I’d rather use the software people are excited to make.

    My take on what’s realistic: Things are rarely so simple. Commercial software will often (not always) be easier to use. I feel like most users don’t want to expend any more than minimal effort to effectively use their software (which I don’t think is unreasonable). So in those cases and for those users, easier = better.

    Also, highly specialized commercial software might be better than any FOSS options. For example, there’s nothing in the FOSS world that can compete with the big players in commercial electronic medical records software.

    So, while I love FOSS, and I find Capitalism problematic, sometimes commercial is better.

    P.S: The response is more to the concept of the post. Your actual post is both well written and thought out and doesn’t feel at all like “black and white” thinking.

  • Mutt is a console based client, so if you have to deal with a lot of html or image laden emails it can be a hassle. There’s options for these things, mind you. You can call a text based browser to produce fairly readable text output within the client, or use an external application (browser, image viewer, etc.) to view it. Or anything in between. Mutt is extremely customizable. Just something to be mindful of.

    That being said, I’m also quite happily a mutt user 😊.