Buying second hand 3090/7090xtx will be cheaper for better performances if you are not building the rest of the machine.
Buying second hand 3090/7090xtx will be cheaper for better performances if you are not building the rest of the machine.
You are limited by bandwidth not compute with llm, so accelerator won’t change the interferance tp/s
You are easier to track with Adnauseum
Even dumber than that, when their activation method fail, the support uses massgrev to install windows on costumer pc
Some ips are shadowbanned, if you are using a VPN/proxy it might be the reason.
Be sure to use an adblocker, some times the stream get taken down and you have to wait 1/2 min for them to repost one.
llama.cpp works on windows too (or any os for that matter), though linux will vive you better performances