Image from by Nina Paley
Random Joe, or should I say… GNU/Joe
Image from by Nina Paley
would you remove the battery during those 20 years? is promising, with great privacy/anonymity concepts at its core:
I think it should always add:
"I am sorry*, Dave,* but i cannot … "
do you think a company like, that injects its javascript in between given site and you, will hesitate one second before transmitting its data with the FBI (or any other police), and help them tracking users down?
WARNING: contains some has a flourish of ROMsets for old machines!
sounds like pure intimidation to me.
1/ one could have “never received this letter”
2/ one could decide not to pay, and then what? will they go to court? based on what evidence?
3/ if it ever goes to court, “i don’t know, i wasnt even home that day” should always work no?
i don’t understand while in some countries (actually only one that i know of, Germany) people seem to be terrified by this lawyer’s spam…
What are the challenges posed by moderation (and admin in general) that you didn’t think of when launching the first instance?
(and: How can things get improved, how can people help?)
Let’s start mirroring and torrenting full ROMsets!