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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 17th, 2023


  • Yeah, that is my take as well, at first I thought it was completely useless just like the old Facebook posts with users posting a legaliese sounding text on their profile trying to reclaim rights that they signed away when joining facebook, but here it is possible that they are running their own instance so there is no unified EULA, which gives the license thing a bit more credibillity.

    But as you say, bots will just ignore the links, and no single person would stand a chance against big AI with their legal teams, and even if they won the AI would still have been trained on their data, and they would get a pittance at most.

  • Don’t do this.

    It is a terrible idea.

    1. Free services have negative interest in protecting user’s privacy, they would mine the shit out of that data.

    2. Since you are doing this from a company network and split tunneling is not 100% secure, this means that your company computer will send internal communications through the VPN, where it will be mined the shit out of.

    3. Since you are talking about torrenting, even if you are just consuming small ammounts of data, don’t be surprised if the VPN provider eill either block you immediately, or hand over suspicious logs to the police/media companies.

    4. You claim to have permission to do this, I am pressing X to doubt, if you had proper permission to do this you would not need to use a free VPN, the company would either have the technical and legal infrastructure to deal with this, or they would provide you with a good paid VPN like Mullvad.

    5. This sounds extremely sketchy to me, and unless I have a written and signed order to do this in this manner I would refuse to do this work, and even then I would want a written and signed order for the specific time I had to do it.

  • https://openra.net

    Open RA, or Open Red Alert is a version of the old classic stratergy game from the 90s that is free and open source.

    OpenRA has two main games built in, Tiberium Dawn and Red Alert, both are alternate history but in slightly different universes.

    In the Tiberium universe a meteor containing a new minneral called Tiberium crashed into the earth, thw Tiberium minneral started growing and chaging the earth, there are two factions, the mysterious Brotherhood of Nod, and the UN lead GDI who fights for control over the minneral.

    In the Red Alert universe Albert Einstein travelled back in time to kill Hitler, this changed the outcome of WWII and the Soviet Union is now attacking the West.

    In both games you take on the task of a commander for either side to ensure victory on the battleflied.

  • Fallout New Vegas is awesome, an FPS with RPG elements, that has brilliant humor and huge replayability

    Dishonored is a great game where you deal with stealth and magic super powers in a steampunk setting.

    The Outer Worlds is a short FPS with RPG elements, it is made by the people who made Fallout New Vegas and is set in a Sci-Fi future in space.

    Forza Horizon 4 is a lovely open world racing game set in a fictional UK.

    Forza Horizon 5 is the follow up to 4 and is set in Mexico, I find it more boring than 4

    Myst (2021), a remake of the classic adventure game from the early 90s, made by the original creator of Myst, Cyan.

    OpenRA, play the original Command & Conquer games Tiberian Dawn and Red Alert on modern computers with working online multiplayer for free.

  • My need for online photo galleries is just to direct friends and family to see them, I don’t store photos in the cloud.

    I used to put up my photos on deviantart, I have had a gallery there for almost two decades, but lately dA has become very slow to navigate, so I built my own site, I didn’t need much, an index page linking to HTML galleries I export from digiKam.

    After a few weeks of learning, designing and testing HTML and CSS, I have a nice index page that is responsive and easy to update and customize (in limited capacity).

    This runs on a normal webhost, and is lightning quick to navigate, the galleries support browsing with the arrow keys, and just works.

    There are three annoying things about it though…

    1. To update a gallery, I need to recreate it in digiKam and upload it manually to the host.

    2. I can’t include notes with the photos.

    3. I have to edit a link in every gallery to make it be able to go back to the index page and not 404…

  • Music Player Daemon - mpd - is a small Linux utillity that does most of this.

    It is a small music player runs as a service on a linux machine (RPi worked for me when testing) which can be controlled through a remote control app or desktop program.

    It needs access to your music library, so look into sharing it, possibly through NFS, or set up a copy of your music library on local storage in the RPi.

    I am a bit concerned about how well it would work with a shared solution, I know that some systems might lock open files preventing other clients from using them, but that is nothing I have tested.